Gardevoir (7/132) [SW]


Title: Reverse Holofoil - Near Mint - EN
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Sale price$10.65
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  • Card Number: 7/132
  • Rarity: Holo Rare
  • Card Type: Psychic
  • HP: 110
  • Stage: Stage 2
  • Card Text: Poké-POWER — Telepass
    Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your opponent's discard pile for a Supporter card and use the effect of that card as the effect of this power. (The Supporter card remains in your opponent's discard pile.) You can't use more than 1 Telepass Poké-Power each turn. This power can't be used if Gardevoir is affected by a Special Condition.
  • Attack 1: [2P] Psychic Lock (60)
    During your opponent's next turn, your opponent can't use any Poké-Powers on his or her Pokémon.
  • Weakness: P+30
  • Retreat Cost: 2

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